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How to study medicine free in Germany

germTo study Medicine free in Germany, you would need the following:

German language skills
Most medical universities in Germany would require German skills. Even international students who would take german course at the Studienkolleg to improve their German language abilities, are still expected to have had a certain language proficiency level right from the day they step their foot in Germany.International students may prove German language skills by presenting a certificate issued for passing a DSH or TestDaF exam (after approx. 400 to 600 class hours), corresponding roughly to level B1 of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”.

Student visa
International students who require a visa to enter the Federal Republic of Germany would have to go to a German Embassy in their countries and apply for a student visa. Please note that it is legally impossible to change a tourist or other forms of visa into a student visa once you have entered the Republic of Germany!

Medical examination
Before applying for a student visa, the intending student must present a medical certificate. He may however be asked to present a health certificate before he is able to extend his resident permit.

Translation of required documents 
Intending international medical students to German medical schools would be required to present original and dully signed translation of high school results (equivalent to Abitur).

Financial requirement
Most international students who come to study in Germany are usually self-financing students. Even if students in Germany are allowed to work in Germany, it would only be permitted for a very limited number of hours during the out of session (vacation) periods. Note that the money you make during this period wont be enough to completely finance your university studies. DAAD Scholarships do allow some of international student’s expenses while studying in Germany.


Application documents to Medical Universities in Germany

For admission to medical preparatory course or medical university, the applicant must have in possession the following documents:

  • A documented proof of having passed the DSH – Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang – the  language proficiency test required for entry to a German medical university and to undertake all classes in the German language / TestDaF – Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache – or Test of German as a foreign language:  standardised language test of German proficiency for non-native German speakers. It is for people who would like to study at or would want to work in German universities;
  • A valid secondary school-leaving certificate issued in your home country;
  • An Application for university admission to your propective university;
  • Students from some countries must additionally prove that they have passed the university entrance exam in their home country and/or have studied successfully in their home country for one or two years;


Application deadlines to Medical Universities in Germany

The application deadlines and addresses differ greatly from one University to the other. Some medical universities arrange their academic year by semesters, while others use the half-yearly school calendar system. However, in some federal states, you are free to apply directly to the chosen university, while in other cases, you first apply to the International Office of a university, and in rare cases, youd the application will go to a public authority.

In general the applicationion deadline for admission to medical universities in germany is by 15th July for the winter semester and by 15th January for the summer semester. The application deadlines may differ from this depending on the university, however.

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