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5 Do’s and Don’ts for Argumentative Essays

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Academic writing basically refers to a clear and focused piece of writing that is positioned by supportive evidence. Such kind of writings involve a formal tone and style but are not at all complicated as long sentences are not welcomed in this discipline. Academic writing tasks are very common among scholars who are proceeding their academic qualification in universities all over the world. Essays are extensively assigned academic writing tasks and are of utmost importance for the overall grades of the students.

What Is Meant By Argumentative Essays?

An argumentative essay refers to a kind of academic essay that involves opinions from both the sides of a particular issue. It depends upon the online essay writer whether to balance both the sides equally or to focus more on one of the two sides. To get through the argumentative essay writing task, it is very important to know the format of the essay. Following is the format of an ideal argumentative essay:

  1. Introduction (Informative, thesis statement)
  2. Body Section (Major Arguments to be included)
  3. Counterargument (Argument against the previous statements)
  4. Conclusion (Ending remarks)

At the time of writing an argumentative essay, only knowing the fundamentals of academic writing won’t help, but, the writers must also be aware of consequences that might impact their overall grades. To come out with a best argumentative essay, here are some Do’s and Don’ts that should be followed.

  1. Do follow the essay instructions. Many students who consider themselves to be great essay writers sometimes make a blunder of not following the general instructions provided by their respective professors or universities. Say for instance; if the students are guided to add five sources and they provide two out of them, then, definitely, even the least requirements are not being fulfilled. Thus, reading the instructions and guidelines carefully is one of the best ways to avoid such a mistake.
  2. Don’t foreword by using phrases like, ‘I think’ or ‘According to me’. Such kind of phrases make the content of the essay personal and only fades the statement. Moreover, the reader will lose interest in the topic. So, a reliable way is to make use of similar quotes that will serve the purpose of the topic.
  3. Do state the kind of argument. An argumentative essay writer has the liberty to make many different kinds of statements. Generally, the arguments are about four things:
  • The Facts
  • The Meanings
  • The Proposals
  • The Assessments

The arguments about the facts may be whether an event has occurred or not?

The arguments about the definitions/meanings may relate to the nature of the event that has happened?

The arguments about the proposals may ask for what should happen in the future?

The arguments about the assessments may ask the questions that make use of certain measures to know about a specific idea.

Note that assessment arguments are the most common ones. So, the writer needs to be transparent about the kind of argument that is being made in an argumentative essay.

  1. Don’t state an argument without relevant evidence. Students must remember that an argument filled with feelings will not yield the required outcomes. This means that an argument must be based on a fact and not on feelings. So, whatever argument the writer states in the essay, it must be supported by suitable and relevant evidence.
  2. Do apprehend the purpose of argument. Keep in mind that not every argument can be produced equally. How subtle or how aggressive an argument may range, completely depends on the kind of situation the essay writer is handling. Say for instance; if you try to prepare a case on whether education is harmful to students, adopting an aggressive approach won’t be the right option. This means that the tone of the argument must match the purpose of the argument that is being stated.


Author Bio: I, Jessica Gross, consider myself to be an articulate writer who is capable of working on academic essays of the students. Providing expert essay help is one of my expertise as I am keen to write travel blogs as well.

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