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2019 List Of European Countries Operating Tuition Free Education For International Students

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In case you got information that universities in Europe offer tuition free education and wish to confirm the validity of that information then allow me say you heard well. Yes!

Universities in some countries in Europe offer tuition free education. It is impressive that the tuition is just not free but it combines with high standard and quality education; if we add good learning environment then we additional benefits.

As an international student planning to study on a budget and getting premium quality there countries of repute for you to consider. There are tuition free institutions to help you in the pursuit of your dream-and yes you may consider looking towards Sweden,Finland,Germany and Norway.



Regardless of nationality, Sweden host universities that provide tuition free education up until 2010 .The government ensured tax payers money was used to provide free education. It was in 2010 the Swedish parliament passed into law a bill for universities to charge non-EU/EEA students for tuition, tuition remains low and students can obtain scholarships.

A host of universities in Sweden still offer full scholarships to international students.

Some of them includes Uppsala University, Jonkoping University, Stockholm school of Economics, Stockholm University ,Halmstad University and Lund University

Among this universities rank one of Europe’s oldest and high ranking universities so you won’t be compromising on standards if you choose to study there.



Prominent for its sophistication and pride in delivery of quality education is Finland, the next top choice for tuition free education. Ranked as one of the best countries on earth to live in with one of the world’s highest standard of living, Finland is home to universities that provide tuition free education. They are proud to host over 14,000 international students of different nationalities and provide much needed education for free.

Please note: In Finland, universities of applied sciences and universities NOW charge a tuition fee from Bachelor’s or Master’s level students studying in languages other than Finnish or Swedish. EU/EEA area and Swiss citizens are not subject to the charge.

Tuition fees will be imposed for studies starting in August 2017 or later. The amount of the fee can vary between higher education institutions.


German Universities provide tuition free education in undergraduate learning courses.

Recently only four out of sixteen Federal states charges tuition. In areas where tuition fees are charged, they are almost free as they cost no more than 550Euros per semester.

Other federal states universities charge a token fee

of 50 Euros per semester which is received as a contribution with no tuition charged.

Tuition fees for Masters’ programs are very affordable. These fees range between 550 Euros

to 2950 Euros per Semester.


Norway provides tuition fee education to students from all over the world. Whatever level of education be it Bachelor, Masters or Ph.D. programs in public universities you can be sure of tuition free education. A mandatory tax is however imposed on all students – a sum around 65 Euros is charged though this fee serves other benefits as well such as discounton transportation.

Private varsities charge both Norwegian and International students fees approximately between 7,950 euros to 10,500 euros yearly.Monthly expenses and utilities addup to around 1,100 euros monthly depending on the city. In more expensive cities fees are more than these amounts.


Attending varsities in Norway provides benefits to the international students from collaboration with institutions from different countries to quality education.

These are examples of countries in Europe that provide quality and tuition free education. Feel free to make research on varsities that offers programs in your field of study and check out tuition free institutions in any of these countries and start your academic career pursuit. It is sure going to be a rewarding and unforgettable experience for you.

So from this article you can see that only two countries are currently operating tuition free education to international students and they are: Germany and Norway. Sweden and Finland has stopped. However, if you want to study in these two countries that are no longer operating tuition free education, ensure you have enough money to pay for the current tuition fees. Please contact the university to get the exact tuition fees amount.

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