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2015/2016 Chevening Scholarships for Developing Countries

cheveningThe renowned association of Commonwealth Universities is currently offering  Chevening Scholarships for one year postgraduate Masters to study any course at UK Universities to talented international students.

Selection Criteria

Successful applicants usually possess personal, intellectual and social qualities required for leadership in their home country

  • You must be super motivated to develop your career in order to establish a build a position of leadership in your own country within ten years of completing the Scholarship program.
  • Suceesful applicants always have a clear post-Scholarship program plan, which completely outlines your career objectives and how you intend to achieve them
  • You must be duly committed to networking in order to find lasting global solutions
  • You are expected to be able to network within the Chevening community, by online engagement and by attending Chevening events in the United Kingdom as well as engaging with the alumni network in your country
  • It is expected you will use your studies and experience while in the UK to benefit yourself, your country and the UK at large
  • Lastly, it is hoped you are capable of successfully undertaking and completing your proposed course of study in the UK

Scholarship Value

  • Full tuition fees;
  • travel expenses to and from your country of residence by a route dully approved for you only;
  • A arrival Stipend;
  • a grant for thesis or dissertation (if necessary);
  • excess baggage allowance (if necessary);
  • the cost of visa application for you and you alone;
  • A monthly personal living stipend to fully cover your accommodation and living expenses. This monthly stipend will depend whether you are studying inside or outside London.The estimated amount is currently £917 per month outside London or £1134 per month inside London

Duration of Scholarship[adsenseyu1]

 One year

Application Deadline

Application is currently open and would close on the 15 November 2014.

Click here to apply


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