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mex  1Once again, the Mexican Government has opened up another window of opportunity for international students wishing to study in Mexico to get the scholarship necessary for their studies. The Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation invites qualified foreign citizens interested in a Mexican undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral or research degrees to participate in the 2015 Mexican Government Scholarship for international students. The scholarships are awarded to students from over 180 countries, while over 70 Mexican institutions participate in awarding these degrees to qualified scholars who participate and complete the program.


This scholarship covers:

*Full tuition fees

*Health insurance

*Transportation from your country to the Mexican institution

*Monthly allowance of 450 euro for undergraduate and master’s students. While post-doctoral fellows receive 570 euro.


*You must have an undergraduate, postgraduate or PhD degree.

*Should have gained admission into a Mexican University.

*Must have a minimum grade point average of 8 on a scale of zero to 10 or equivalent for the last academic degree received.


*Applications are not accepted directly from applicants. The entire scholarship process must be done at the Mexican Embassy or consulate.

*Applicants must submit the following documents (If they are in any language other than Spanish, must be accompanied by a Spanish translation)

—Official nomination letter from your government.

—A letter stating why you are interested in studying in Mexico.


—Copy of passport page

—Acceptance letter from the Mexican host institution

—Copy of the diploma for the last degree

—Copy of the transcript showing the GPA for the last degree. GPA should be a minimum of 8/10.

—If Spanish is not your first language, include a certificate of an advance level of proficiency from a university or language center.

—Original medical certificate, issued 3 months before the submission of the application.

—Copy of birth certificate

—Eight recent passport photographs (3cm x 3cm).


30TH July 2014 [adsenseyu1]


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