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2015-2016 MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at Stanford University

standfordThe MasterCard Foundation  initiative in partnership with Stanford University, USA will be providing total financial support to 20 talented but economically disadvantaged African students from Sub Saharan Africa over the course of the next eight years. The Scholars Program will provide full financial and career support to five (5) undergraduates from Sub-Saharan Africa every year.

How to Apply
All applicants to the scholars program at Standford University should submit the Common Application and the online Stanford Supplement  through  The Common Application portal. Unless  allowed in advance by the Director of Admission at Standford, paper applications will not be processed.

Testing Procedure for International Students
The SAT or the ACT Plus Writing is a requirement for every undergraduate applicant.  Note that applications without  either the SAT or ACT and Writing scores wont be processed for admission.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL®), though not required, is highly recommended for non English speakers.    [adsenseyu1]

Application Deadline
Standard Application Deadline is 1 January 2015
For more information, please contact  the admissions team at:


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